Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Overuse Injuries

â€Å"Pain is temporary, pride is forever. † This quote represents what thousands of young athletes are going through daily. Many adolescents who are working hard to become the best in their league are now falling short due to overuse injuries. With childhood obesity increasing, U. S. citizens have overlooked the overuse injuries that affect the active youth. In 2003 more than 3. 5 million children under age 15 suffered a sports injury that required medical treatment, thats about one attended injury for every 10 players, and seventy-five percent of those injuries were the result of overuse (Hyman, 2009). Overuse injuries occur over a long peroid of time and occur after repetitive micro trama to th tendons, The human body has the tremendous capability to adapt to physical stress. However if the body is put under to much stress without the proper amount of rest injury can occur. The most common injury that occurs from this is an overuse injury these include tennis elbow, runners knee, and shin splints. There are three main factors that are contributing to young athletes getting an overuse injury. The first factor is that these young athletes are being trained by parents and coaches who have no background in sports. These inexperienced coaches are providing the young athletes with improper training techniques, which can result in injury. Another factor that is leading to overuse injuries is the amount of pressure being placed on the athlete by coaches and peers. Wether it is a coach teaching their athletes to play through the pain, or parents pressuring their children so they can live vicariously through them, the well being of these young athletes is getting overlooked. The final factor stems from the previous two factors. Coaches are pressuring athletes to become specialized meaning they only participate in one sport. While this alone is not an issue, whats wrong with this is they are being improperly trained year round and rarely are given the rest needed to stay healthy. In the article Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes Doctor James H. Johnson addresses one of the issues with sport specialization â€Å"Young athletes who specialize in just one sport may be denied the benefits of varied activity while facing additional physical, physiologic, and psychologic demands from intense training and competition’’(Johnson, 2005) The effects of the injuries are at first relatively minor. The athlete could get something like runners knee, which is inflammation of the knee joint. If allowed the proper healing time the pain will subside and the athlete can continue training. However if the athlete does not take the rest needed it could lead to getting stress fractures in the bone. These types of fractures can be extremely painful and may take months to fully heal. The effects of these injuries are serious for all athletes, but for the young growing athletes these injuries could lead to bigger problems. For example the stress fractures could effect the growth plate in some athletes. According to Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes the growth cartilage is most vulnerable to repeated micro traumas. This could lead to certain muscles developing faster than the bones they are attached to. Forcing them to attach to a different part of the bone, constricting it and not allowing it to grow properly(Johnson, 2005) Another damaging cause of overuse injuries is arthritis while overtime everyone will at one time get arthritis of some sort in the joints, for those athletes who have sustained many overuse injuries may obtain it at a much younger age. According to the article Until It Hurts many doctors find it very frustrating to see these types of injuries in athletes because with taking the proper precautions while training the risk of getting an overuse injury can be almost eliminated (Hyman, 2009). The treatment for overuse injuries depends on the specific diagnosis. For minor symptoms, reducing the intensity, duration or frequency of training brings relief. switching to a different workout schedule and cross training with other activities that allows the athlete to maintain fitness while the injured area recovers. This is very important for treating the early symptoms of overuse injuries. Working with a coach or teacher or taking lessons can assure proper training and technique. Paying particular attention to proper warm up before activity and using ice after activity may also help. Aspirin or other over the counter anti-inflammatory medications can also be taken to relieve symptoms. If symptoms persist, a sports medicine specialist will be able to create a more detailed treatment plan for the athletes specific condition. This may include a thorough review of the training program and an evaluation for any predisposing anatomic or bio-mechanical factors. Physical therapy and athletic training services may also be helpful. Overuse injuries are one hundred percent preventable, athletes need only take a few important steps to be able to train risk free. The first step is to not do to much to soon, when first starting a sport it is important to start slowly and allow the body time to adjust to that activity. It is best to start out with a warm up before the athlete starts training. starting out with stretches allows the muscles to relax more and it increases blood flow, which helps with support so not as much stress is being placed on the bones. The article Preventing Overuse Injuries, explains proper stretching technique, â€Å"Do not bounce with each exercise. Stretch until you feel tension but not pain†(Preventing overuse injuries, 2010) Stretching is key for a healthy work out, there are many different stretches that can be done. It is best to find stretches that are geared toward the athletes specific sport. Another key point is if any significant pain is felt during training stop. also it helps to do a cool down after training is finished followed by stretching again. If there is any soreness after training is finished the athlete should stretch that area out specifically and then ice it down and possibly take an anti-inflammatory. If athletes were taught these easy steps overuse injuries could be cut down drastically. References Hyman. (2009, april 07). Until it hurts. Retrieved from http://sportsillustrated. cnn. com/2009/more/04/06/youthsports. untilithurts/index. html Johnson, H. (2008, April). Overuse injuries in young athletes. Retrieved from http://www. hscoaches. org/docs/Over_use_injuries. pdfPreventing overuse injuries. (2010). Retrieved from http://familydoctor. org/familydoctor/en/prevention-wellness/exercise-fitness/sports-safety/-preventing-overuse-injuries. html

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Empowerment of Local Communities for Sustainable Tourism Essay

Tourism, recognized as one of the most economically significant industries in the world has recently perceived emerging needs for forming sustainable planning for tourism management and development. According to Murphy (1985) and Perez – Salom (2001) in order to achieving desired sustainability certain alternations via better planning and management in the tourism activity patterns and pertaining products are necessary to decrease the environmental and social impacts. Thus researchers have emphasized the significance of stakeholder collaboration and participation in the decision making process and their involvement in each stage of tourism management to achieve long lasting sustainability (Teo 2002, Garrod 2003, Azman 1999). According to Branwell and Lane (2000) the dynamic, diffuse and fragmented manner of tourism development was identified long time ago. However the diversified ways to solve problems associated with fragmentation was not achieved despite such identification (Hall 2003). Some of the challenges faced in implementing these strategies lie in the conflicting public policies enacted by respective governments which are engaged in tourism planning, management and development. Many tourism related public policies are ensnared in an energetic continuation processes with governments struggling to perceive the multitude of implications in tourism and their arbitration ways ( Caffyn & Jobbins 2003). As declared by Scheyvens in 2003 to achieve voluntary participation in desired levels for the planning processes one important precursor should be the empowerment of stakeholders in the community by involving them in the tourism development process. In the absence of empowerment in community and local levels, predictably national endeavors to develop specific identified destinations will not meet with successful results says Sofield (2003). According to Burns in 2004 it has also been established that a top to down attitude in strategic tourism planning will not stimulate or encourage stake holder participation and local commitment. Additionally according to Timothy (2000) the individual and state relationship has conventionally presented key level policy predicaments as many interest groups continue to seek government backing and funding in tourism development process. Therefore in this study major focus will be in determining the effectiveness of the statement made by Henkel & Stirrat (2001:168) to the effect of: â€Å"It is now difficult to find a development project that does not†¦claim to adopt a ‘participatory’ approach involving ‘bottom-up’ planning, acknowledging the importance of ‘indigenous’ knowledge and claiming to ‘empower’ local people† 2. Challenges of local participation in tourism planning In 2000 Hall advocated and emphasized the need in utilizing and developing a network thinking to critically analyze the involvement of public sector partnership and collaboration in tourism to develop sustainability and social capital. However, despite the many attractions of establishing a local community approach in tourism planning there are many challenges existing in the way such a process would be implemented and operated (Murphy 1988). These challenges include the manner in which to foster local participation for tourism planning and management, initiating and maintaining cooperation between public and private sectors and identifying implementation ways for local participation in tourism planning. Therefore it is vital to enhance the assimilation of management approaches in tourism planning. 3. Effective tourism planning for a sustainable development According to Hall (2003), tourism is an important concern for industry and governments as well as communities in terms of augmenting number of travelers, enhancing revenues and impacts for the communities in the tourist destinations. Tourism has the ability of impacting on both micro and macro environments and thus has been recognized as a paradoxical practice situation when adverse reactions occur where tourism can destroy tourism (Mihalic 2003). When ever tourism is not planned or managed efficiently it contains the capacity to destroy its own platform on which the tourism is based. In 1997, McVetty identified different tourism planning traditions and approaches which are commonly referred to day as following: Booster approach – concentrates on motivating and enhancing the tourist frequency. Commercial approach – concentrates on profit maximization Economic approach – focus on the resulting economic values generated via tourism related employment. Environmental approach – focus on the ecological conservation for tourist destinations Community based approach – concentrates on minimum impact and encouragement of involvement and control by local participation in tourism Integrated approach – the social development factor in tourism which takes in to account social mobilization and local participation to maximize tourism contribution towards local communities. In an integrated tourism planning approach it will take in to account a process that endeavor to bring together each individual stakeholder with their variety of experiences and attitudes. Within such a planning process, there is an opportunity for stakeholders to cooperate in arriving at temporary agreements in matters of environmental conservation, biodiversity and social welfare (Burns 2004). It has been established that this approach will be particularly beneficial for developing countries as it provides an alternative tourism approach with a people centered attitude. A variety of tourism management models were developed in the past with the rapid growth in recreation and tourism in natural destinations ( Hall 2003, Gunn & Turgut 2002). However according to McArthur (2000) the TOMM, Tourism Optimization and Management Model developed in Australia is the most successful tool introduced so far as other models failed to establish adequate stakeholder support for implementing and operating plans on a sustainable period to confirm their merits. The problem with these models was their inability to adjust to the diverse stakeholder participants and the absence of cooperative partnership for identifying standards and indicators. 4. Empowerment of local participants for effective tourism planning In 1997 France defined empowerment as a process in which households, local groups, individuals, communities, nations and regions all shape their lives along with the type of society in which they habitat. According to Boog in 2003 the recent past has used this term as a sense of group and collective empowerment. Empowerment contain diverse concepts such as facilitating relationships between individuals, contribution of power between social cultural, political domains says O’Neal & O’Neal (2003). For tourism planning the terms empowerment is regarded as a social development process encouraging and facilitating a respondent to responsive tourism attitude (Ritchie 1993). According to Sofield a vital component embedded in the process of empowerment is the application of decisions making model. Empowerment of local participants in the tourism industry represents multidimensional characteristics according to Scheyvens in 2002 who detailed them as following: Economic empowerment with lasting financial awards for the local participants Physiological empowerment for improving self esteem, pride within the local culture for their knowledge and respective resources. Social empowerment where a community’s integrity is enhanced and sustained via the tourism development process Political empowerment is a platform of democracy where people from all walks of life are invited in the participatory process and allowed to voice opinions and concerns. In 1993 Jenkins argued that local participants would express difficulties in perceiving the complicated aspects related to planning and managing representativeness in the tourism development process. He further stated that the decision making process which would need considerable time and cost may result in a lack of interest within the local communities. Therefore in order to overcome this situation and encourage local community participation in tourism management the issue of collaboration is regarded as a suitable management strategy to encourage participation. 5. Collaboration management between stakeholders and community As declared by Bramwell & Lane in 2000, it is widely acknowledge the importance in involving the many stakeholders in the process of tourism planning and management. The concept has led to the use of many collaborative partnerships and arrangements as a tool or technique with the intention of combining a range of interests to implement and develop pertaining tourism policies. To achieve successfully inclusive tourism development an accomplishment of cooperation within all planning sectors in each scale is an important concept. A significant advantage of such collaboration management is that relevant tourist destinations and respective organizations have the ability of gaining competitive advantages via a process of combining expertise, knowledge, knowhow, capital and various other resources belonging to the multi stakeholders says Kotler, Haider, & Rein (1993). Such a collaboration attempt within stakeholders can result in effective negotiations, dialogues and formulation of a community acceptable proposal in which sustainable tourism can be developed. According to Murphy (1988) the broadly based tourism policies resulting from such management policy integrations can create democratic empowerment, operational advantages, impartiality and finally a greatly enhanced tourism product to the world. Therefore it is vital to regard the entire planning process from a social phenomenon perspective where empowerment of local participants in the decision making process is given high priority. Moreover, collaboration and participation should be considered as important components of social capital that can be enriched via community complexity. 6. Recent Examples of stakeholder participation in tourism In the past clear evidence were seen of a range of individuals and organizations operating on innovative local participation led approaches in tourism management and development. Some of these examples are the Indonesian Andaman Discoveries, the North Andaman Tsunami relief flagship project which has initiated more than 120 projects in identified Tsunami affected communities. This flagship project was instrumental for aiding a large number of local communities to develop a local participatory tourism process successfully and as a result have also developed many supporting resources such as local crafts, traditional music promotions etc. The community tourism project initiated in Scotland Inverclyde tourism group has secured their funding through many resources including the national lottery. The project has achieved tremendous success through a capacity building process as a result of community involvement and partnership working. There are also visible examples to indicate the drawbacks of this concept. As declared by Manyara et al (2006) there are many obstacles in the process of developing indigenous SMTE, small and medium tourism enterprises due to constraints such as accessibility to global markets, deficiency in numeracy and literacy, access to capital and other resources, sector specific skills and insufficient government backing. Their report which concentrated in the local community participation of Kenya tourism also states that through proper legislative frameworks and policies a community based enterprise stand to benefit with better development potential and also benefit the SMTE in the longer term. Solutions cited in this report to make the Kenya tourism project successful was to integrate the requirements of allowing initiatives to be community owned, make communities fully involved in the process of tourism development and management and that these local communities should remain as the main beneficiaries of such initiatives. 7. Conclusion As declared by Mitchell and Reid in 2000 it could be stated in summary that local participation involvement in tourism management and development can be regarded as a simple categorical term defining ‘citizen power’. Within the stage of planning the research and study of social capital and social sensitivity in relation to tourism can provide great insights to the level of social impact alleviation arising from tourism on a local community through a process of relevant and strategic planning (Hall 2003). An important aspect is to consider is integrative planning to ensure minimal adverse impacts, environmental conservation, acceptance of tourism in general and overall community growth (Burns 2004). Equally it is important to consider planning with least amount of conflicts and to foster participation of local communities via controlling resources and tourism planning related decision making. The streamlining of a local community as a tourism product will aid the diversification of tourism offerings and also facilitate a meaningful economic participation in the tourism sector by the local communities. It will also generate many tourism related benefits that exceeds the primary tourism areas within a country. The research study concludes that while there is much written on this subject mainly at a conceptual level, it is vital that proper frameworks and guidelines are established for those communities searching for optimum practices and perceiving the associated benefits of tourism within the community body. It is also evident that establishing a strictly rigid guideline set will not do much to advance a sustainable tourism within the local community agenda. References Azman, A. (1999). Local participation of ecotourism the case of Bruinei ‘ Merinbum Heritage Park. Borneo Review, 10(1), 51-69. Bramwell, B. , & Lane, B. (Eds. ). (2000). Collaboration and partnerships in tourism planning. U. K: Channel View Publications. Burns, P. M. (2004). Tourism planning: A third way? Annals of Tourism Research, 31(1), 24- 43. France, L. (Ed. ). (1997). The role of government. London: Earthscan. Garrod, B. (2003). Local participation in the planning and management of ecotourism: A revised model approach. Journal of Ecotourism, 2(1), 33-52. Gunn, C. A. , & Turgut, V. (2002). Tourism planning: Basic, concepts, cases. New York: Routledge. Hall, C. M. (2000). Rethinking collaboration and partnership: A public policy perspective. In B. Bramwell & B. Lane (Eds. ), Tourism collaboration and partnerships: Politics, practice and sustainability. U. K: Channel View Publications. Hall, C. M. (2003). Politics and place: An analysis of power in tourism communities. In S. Singh, D. J. Timothy & R. K. Dowling (Eds. ), Tourism in destination communities. U. K: CABI Publishing. Jenkins, J. (1993). Tourism policy in rural New South Wales – Policy and research priorities. Geo Journal, 29(3), 281-290. Jones, E & Manyara G (2007). Community? based Tourism Enterprises Development in Kenya: An Exploration of Their Potential as Avenues of Poverty Reduction. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Vol. 15, No. 6, 2007. Welsh School of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Management, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK Kotler, P. , Haider, D. H. , & Rein, I. (1993). Marketing places: Attracting investment, industry, and tourism to cities, states, and nations. New York: Free Press. McArthur, S. (Ed. ). (2000). Beyond carrying capacity – Introducing A model to monitor and manage visitor activities in forests. Wellingford, U. K: CABI Publishing. McVetty, D. (1997). Segmenting heritage tourism party – Visits on Dunedin’s Otago Peninsula: A strategic approach. Unpublished Master of Tourism thesis, University of Otago, Dunlin, New Zealand. Mitchell, R. E. , & Reid, D. G. (2000). Community integration: Island tourism in Peru. Annals of Tourism Research, 28(1), 113-139. Mihalic, T. (2003). Economic instruments of environmental tourism policy derived from environmental theories. In R. K. Dowling & D. A. Fennel (Eds. ), Ecotourism policy and planning. London: CABI International. Murphy, P. E. (1988). Community driven tourism planning. Tourism Management, 9(2), 96- 104. O’Neal, G. S. , & O’Neal, R. A. (2003). Community development in the USA: An empowerment zone example. Community Development Journal, 38(2), 120-129. Perez-Salom, J. (2001). Sustainable tourism: Emerging global and regional regulation. Georgetown International Environment Law Review, 13(4), 801-837. Ritchie, J. R. (1993). Tourism research: Policy and managerial priorities for the 1990s and beyond. In D. G. Pearce & R. W. Butler (Eds. ), Tourism research and critiques and challenges. London: Routledge. Scheyvens, R. (2002). Tourism for development: Empowering communities. Singapore: Pearson Education Asia Pte. Ltd. Scheyvens, R. (2003). Local involvement in managing tourism. In S. Singh, D. J. Timothy & R. K. Dowling (Eds.), Tourism in destination communities. U. K: CABI Publishing. Sofield, T. H. B. (2003). Empowerment for sustainable tourism development (Vol. Tourism Social Science Series). London: Pergamon. Teo, P. (2002). Striking a balance for sustainable tourism: Implication of the discourse on globalization. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 10(6), 459-474. Timothy, D. J. (2000). Cross-border partnership in tourism resource management: International parks along the US-Canada border. In B. Bramwell & B. Lane (Eds. ), Tourism collaboration and partnerships: Politics, practice and sustainability. U. K: Channel View Publications.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysing The Impact Of Terrorism On Kenya Tourism Essay

Analysing The Impact Of Terrorism On Kenya Tourism Essay The U.S. Department of State defines terrorism as â€Å"premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.† Likewise, as terrorism against tourists often involves international citizens, international terrorism is defined as â€Å"terrorism involving citizens or the territory of more than one country.† WHY DO TERRORISTS TARGET KENYA? Geographic location, poverty and unstable neighbours are some key elements that have contributed to past terrorist attacks faced by Kenya. Kenya’s unique geographic location acts as a passageway from the Middle East and South Asia to East Africa and beyond. Therefore, Kenya had to cater for the many activities that would now exist because of this pathway so an extensive seaport was constructed as well as two international airports, one in Mombassa and one in Nairobi along with rail, road and communication infr astructure. With these additions, travel and entry into and around Kenya is quite easy and usually obscure due to its penetrable borders coupled with its surrounding neighbours and unmonitored coastline. In particular, the Arabs in Kenya that occupy the coastal areas are closely linked to the Arabs in the Middle East as they both share a common religion and language. This has made it quite convenient for terrorist to blend into the community. For these reasons, Kenya is a preferred choice for terrorist to strike. DISCUSSION ON TERRORISM’S IMPACT ON THE HOSPITALITY all of the 330 staff had their salaries reduced, including Dunford the chairman (National Geographic 2010).

Project study essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project study - Essay Example th the appropriate knowledge and skills required to handle various systems required to run the operations of various industries among them the electrical and electronics industry. Additionally, provided the interaction of the service industry and public administration, the academic background provides a link between the developed knowledge and skills to be used and applied to support public affairs such as the maintenance of power systems serving various public amenities. The importance of the professional responsibilities at the electricity and water corporation is that it confirms the applicability of my academic knowledge. In addition, since the electrical and electronics industry requires innovative solutions especially in the areas such as energy consumption and conservation, the experience gathered from the workplace provide a platform of developing experience to solve or aid in solving contemporary challenges within the industry. On the other hand, in order to develop skills and competencies that can warrant me a position in leadership positions, the current work experience opens the path to follow by creating a platform for observing standards, protocol, regulations, policies, and other considerations under each stage in my career development. Lastly, I have developed interest in electrical and electronic engineering, control systems, and energy systems. Under these interests, my morale in pursuing electrical and electronic engineering has helped me develop keen interest to very technical areas. My interest in control systems develops from my personal character of economic utilization of resources and therefore control systems offer an opportunity to explore the flow of various resources as well as processes through a time-sensitive system. On the other hand, the interest in energy systems develops from the global movements that push for governments and other entities to advocate for renewable and affordable energy. In addition, while my interest in this

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A perfect Utopia in the words of John Lennons song Imagine Personal Statement

A perfect Utopia in the words of John Lennons song Imagine - Personal Statement Example There are several little fishing villages dotted around its coast, contributing to a thriving industry.   The climate is Mediterranean, with hot dry summers and mild winters.   Although the rock formation is volcanic, there are ancient and effective irrigation and desalination systems in place that help maintain its lush vegetation. While there are no forests, the island is full of many varieties of wildflowers and is ablaze with color and light. The farming and fishing produce surpluses and the revenue go towards maintaining two modern hospitals, free education for all, utilities, and goods not manufactured on Utopia.   Traditional crafts such as lace making, pottery, and winemaking also contribute to the commonwealth of a shared economy. Children are valued and treated as the most important asset in society, not just for the joy they bring to individual families.   They are perceived as the future, the greatest wealth.   Older people are cared for within the family or com munity as a whole and valued for their wisdom.   The elders ensure that laws and customs are passed down, so helping to maintain the moral and ethical structures that have existed here for over 2000 years, leading to peace and happiness for all citizens. Religious beliefs vary, with no specific limits; it is about personal choice; but the overall law of â€Å"Do no harm, and if harm is done, ask forgiveness and make reparation.† has taken on religious significance.  Ã‚  ... There are no age or gender limitations for being a senator, anyone over 14 can take the post, once chosen by their community. It is customary to share goods, skills and labor. There are no prisons as crime is virtually non-existent. Disputes are settled by discussion, resolved with the help of the participants, their families and senate representatives, who together agree a way forward, in line with the rule of law. All children have free education, and those who wish to, can attend university on Utopia and have funding for foreign studies, all from the common purse. Hospitals too are free, and experts in all fields necessary for this society, are available as a result of the education policies. People give of their time, earn a living salary and nobody is left without the means for a happy, healthy life. The atmosphere is happy and relaxed; people really care about each other, looking out for each other's welfare. Divorce is minimal and the extended family provides great physical and emotional support for all. Utopia operates like a big family, and celebrating and sharing suffering together is the norm. Strangers and visitors are welcomed and easily absorbed, just so long as they keep to that one law, and are willing to share their talents and skills for the good of all. As More's vision of Utopia is Greek for "no place", this perfect island and its society might only be a dream. It would be so great if such a dream were to become reality. But as John Lennon pointed out, "You may say I'm a Dreamer, But I'm not the only one"so maybe, just possibly, there is hope for a true Utopia one day.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

What is Archaeology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What is Archaeology - Essay Example The concept of the study of archaeology seems very important since it explains the existence of human beings, and other natural features such as plants, and rocks in the society. Insights and knowledge that one acquires from the study of archaeology helps in understanding the origin of humans, and so on. One of the concepts of archaeology that one might need clarification on is the concept of how apes are the ancestors of human beings. The main question will be â€Å"why apes no longer evolve or why don’t humans evolve to become another creature.†? This concept seems unclear to many students because the concept of human evolution is not convincing, and other archaeological facts that history depicts (Davis, 2005). In conclusion, deeper explanation of these archaeological findings might be very important to the central and the larger context of the class. The nature of archaeology is complex in the sense that it has so much for students to learn, and it offers a lot of information that is debatable both in, and out of class. The study of archaeology is one of the most interesting concepts in history of all

Friday, July 26, 2019

Economic Barriers and Healthcare Pursuits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Economic Barriers and Healthcare Pursuits - Essay Example Healthcare financing is undoubtedly an expensive undertaking (Rapp, et al. 2010). Pooling together adequate resources for to actualize the plan developed to combat implications of HAIs is a challenge. Health care is primarily provided for by the state or the government due to the externalities that characterize the healthcare market. The government undertakes massive projects for the benefit of individuals across all levels, healthcare included. This aspect may pressure the government to direct more funds into healthcare, a scenario that may or may not is realized. One of the critical efforts towards addressing HAIs problem and subsequent problems posed by medical errors is the adherence of both patients and caregivers to set healthcare procedures especially in relation to preventative measures that healthcare facilities are supposed to observe. Patient or caregiver ignorance and failure to adhere to the set measures or systems of combating HAIs and medical errors general poses significant stumbling blocks to the effect of the plan. Healthcare pursuits are sensitive to legal systems. A change in healthcare policy must receive adequate legal attention and support. This is in line with formulating and implementing necessary policies that aid the plan’s practice. Legal obstacles to the plan can be in terms of slow adoption of relevant legal policies to aid the process, or even having the plan legally challenged to rule out its implementation. The future is hard to predetermine following the uncertainties that characterize future times. Healthcare complications are also diverse and dynamic over time, meaning that medical interventions keep taking new directions as new complications emerge. The plan can be implemented today, but be rendered useless some into the future in the event that medical errors worse. This would need that every variable that the plan treated be accounted for all over again. To minimize such occurrences, intensive and extensive research has to be done to confirm long-term viability of the plan.  Ã‚  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Globalization Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Globalization Strategies - Essay Example The simplest and easiest globalization strategy to implement is exporting. There are two types of exporting: indirect and direct export. When a company begins to use exporting to achieve globalization they implement indirect exporting. Indirect exporting involves the use of intermediaries to introduce a product into a foreign market. One of the disadvantages of indirect exporting is that the profits have to be shared with the intermediary. The second type of exporting strategy is direct exporting. Direct exporting can be implemented in several ways. Four ways to implement direct exporting are: Domestic based export department or division Overseas sales branch or subsidiary Traveling export sales representative Foreign based distributors or agents (Kotler, 2003). A second market entry strategy is licensing. Licensing is also considered a relatively easy way to achieve market penetration into a foreign marketplace. In a licensing agreement the licensor licenses a foreign company to use a manufacturing process, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other item of value for a fee or a royalty (Kotler, 2003). Due to the fact that a second party is involved in the process the profitability of this market entry strategy is lower than other options.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

(Government) Towns and Township Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

(Government) Towns and Township - Essay Example rchase Information for South Carolina, Motor Fuel online Filing System, Check Out eSales, Electronic Payment System and South Carolina Withholding Reconciliation Tax Return. The collective performance of these departments makes South Carolina Department of Revenue a successful organization (Welcome to the South Carolina Department of Revenue, n.d). South Carolina Business One Stop is an online business portal that aids businessmen through the state. South Carolina Business One Stop offers businessmen a portal between the businesses and the government. This online web portal allows people to apply and pay for licenses online, registrations, permits and other official filings. A few of the services the organization provides is to establish business entity with secretary of state, registration for corporate taxes, submit filings to inform secretary of state about changes, apply for renewal of alcohol beverage license and applying for renewal of department of consumer affairs (SCBOS, n.d.). South Carolina Department of Revenue is responsible for collection of Use Tax. Use Tax is the tax which is imposed on purchase of items made outside of South Carolina. The USE TAX is paid to South Carolina Department of Revenue. The items on which USE TAX is applicable are items purchased on mail order, catalogs, and shopping networks and on any items bought on the internet. Online items which are bought include books, electronic, clothing and jewelry (All About Use Tax, n.d). South Carolina Department of Revenue has an electronic sales taxing system which has been made to make taxpayers a fast, free, electronic and secure way to submit taxes and revenues. This online electrical system gives people an option to make payments online without the need to leave your homes (What is the Sales and Use Tax System, n.d). Another online forum working to collect tax is â€Å"South Carolina Department of Revenue Electronic Withholding System† is made specifically to provide the individuals

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What Is Postmodernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What Is Postmodernism - Essay Example The essay "What Is Postmodernism" gives a detailed information about postmodernism. One hand, it is quite difficult to provide proper description of the periods when the transitions are happening and on the other hand it is also not possible to figure out properly the main signs of postmodernism. Perhaps it is the 30s, when the first time the term postmodernism was used. During this time postmodernism actually referred to change in historical spectrum of the Western world as well as certain changes that became conspicuous in the prevailing Art forms. It is the 1970s, when postmodernism drew huge attention from scholars in every field. In his book, A Primer on Postmodernism, the author Stanley J. Grenz has commented about prevailing influence of postmodernism, â€Å"First it denoted a new style of architecture. Then it invaded academic circles, originally as a label of theories expounded in University English and philosophy departments. Eventually it surfaced as the description for a broader cultural phenomenon.† If an attempt is made to find the basic concept of postmodernism, it is quite clear from the term itself that postmodernism signifies a movement that seeks to go beyond the modernism and widen the scope as well as significance of modernism. Postmodernism basically follows the main principles of modernism but at the same time it rejects just the modern process of thinking and introduces more aspects to the whole matter. In order to understand postmodernism it is important to understand the modernism.

How does Shakespeare present tension Essay Example for Free

How does Shakespeare present tension Essay The contrast in speech also applies to the language of the spirits of the Island which are shown to be quite delicate and poetic wild waves whist, Shakespeare uses alliteration of the letter w to slows the pace of the speech and produces sounds that makes Ariel seem less human or earth-bound but instead of the air or the waves. In contrast to the way Prospero treats Caliban, Prospero treats Ariel with affection, my dainty Ariel. Shakespeare uses the emphasis on the word my to suggest that Prospero is fonder of the possession of Ariel than Ariel himself. If the Island can be taken as a metaphor for humanity versus nature then the differences in the way Caliban and Ariel are treated by Prospero defines humanitys ambitions and fears. Prospero treats Ariel with love because he is an asset to him, fine apparition, my quant Ariel, and because of the power that Prospero gains through that control that makes him appear almost God-like. Humans control the elements to gain a level of direction in their lives, to make sense of the meaninglessness of life. It is this direction that leads Prospero to believe and aspire to be like God because it strangles the connection between him and the repulsive beings of nature he has power over, such as Caliban. Equality leads to lack of control and it is Calibans adamant rebellion to be seen inferior that sickens Prospero. In the Tempest, Caliban represents peoples natural state and when Prospero oppresses Caliban, Shakespeare is creating an image of civilisation repressing their natural selves and concluding that the tensions between civilisation and nature only exist because of the way civilisation resents its natural state. When Gonzalo speaks of his golden age he is explaining a world where nature and civilisation could exist as one without the tensions that are so apparent in the rest of the play. Gonzalo would have use of service, none, no occupation but rather live innocently with nature bringing forth of its own kind, all foison Shakespeare uses the structure of the speech, interrupted continuously by Antonio and Sebastian, to perhaps mock the idea and highlight its faults. The idea itself comes from a French philosopher who describes how the Europeans corrupted America with its advanced influence. Through Sebastian and Antonio, Shakespeare is undermining his words and this implies that his own opinion could be that nature and civilisation can never both exist without the differences or hostility between the two. I believe Shakespeare presents the tensions between Civilisation and Nature not as to highlight their difference, but rather to highlight the tension that is created by societys denial in their similarities. Perhaps the repulsion of Caliban is seen as a rejection of each of the more civilised characters untamed selves, their more sophisticated selves portrayed as wit, cunning or power. By this, I could say that Shakespeare is presenting Caliban as the only true character in the whole play, though coarse and unrefined he is evidently not a master of politics or scheming, such as the characters of Antonio and Sebastian, which has been learnt through the highest classes of civilised society. In this, Shakespeare is saying that both nature and civilisation are equal, the only difference being that nature is not in a state of self denial. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE The Tempest section.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Narcissistic Leaders Essay Example for Free

Narcissistic Leaders Essay Big business today can be largely attributed to CEOs and leaders that are narcissistic. These leaders tend to be the center of attention more so now days then they used to be which is something a narcissistic person enjoys. Narcissists have been in business for a long time and have made great strides. People such as Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford were narcissists that were very successful business men. Narcissism may have been a good trait to achieve a high status in business but it can also make the person dangerous or not very likable. Heinz Kohut and Freud looked deeper into the theory and found that it could be treated by properly trained clinicians. Jack Welch and George Soros are prime examples of people who are what is called a productive narcissist; they strive to make a difference in the world and make a name for themselves. But narcissism can be bad enough that you believe that things are out to stand in your way of achievement and therefore you trust no one. Narcissists can sometimes become overly ambitious and shoot to high which can cause them to end up losing everything. Gyllenhammar is a prime example, he chose to not listen to anyone and found himself in court being forced to resign. Freud narrowed the main personality types down to erotic, obsessive, and narcissistic. Those with an erotic personality need to be loved by others that is the most important element of life to them. These types of people tend to be teachers, nurses or social workers. At their best, they help better the young and are a big help when working. They have a positive effect on those around them in the workplace. Freud referred to them as outer directed people. Freud referred to obsessives as inner directed. They are very in tune with what is going on and look to themselves to resolve conflicts. They are obsessed with improvement when working because by nature they value moral improvement over everything else. They tend to go into a field of work that spurs their interest but they don’t have what it takes to go from slightly above average to amazing. At their best they shoot high, and do what is necessary for the business to succeed. When productive they work well with others but when unproductive they usually don’t succeed. Narcissists are very self-indulged and don’t care much for others. When it comes to business they know their field inside and out and go above and beyond. Narcissists are extremely hungry for knowledge about their business. They desire to be admired by others but not necessarily loved. Maccoby (2000) states that unlike obsessives, they are not troubled by a punishing superego, so they are able to be very aggressive in pursuit of their goals. Maccoby (2000) goes on to say of all the personality types, narcissists run the greatest risk of isolating themselves at the moment of success. And because of their independence and aggressiveness, they are constantly looking out for enemies, sometimes degenerating into paranoia when they are under extreme stress. Obsessives as leaders tend to try and expand on a safe level that is practical and likely to benefit the company. Narcissists want more, they go all out and take big risks that if they work as planned will greatly benefit the business; but it is not as likely to work. Narcissists may hide it well but they feed of f of praise and recognition of followers. Without that admiration narcissists become overwhelmed, but too much admiration can cause them to feel too superior this can lead to dangerous acts that may be detrimental to the business. Narcissists can’t handle criticism; they remain out of tune with their emotions as much as possible. Due to the fact that narcissists can’t deal with being criticized they tend to completely ignore negative comments toward them. Narcissists also have no compassion what so ever. They can perform acts that may anger or sadden someone without any remorse. They are so independent that they don’t like to mentor anyone or be mentored. Competition is a narcissist’s forte; they get so into it that they would do almost anything to be the best. A trust-worthy sidekick has to be someone they can relate to and keeps him down to earth. They believe that everyone around them should think the same thing that they do even if it involves brainwashing. They are control-freaks, and want to know everything that’s going on at all times. These productive narcissists make good leaders by nature but the rest of them sometimes can’t see their limitations and will end up in trouble. Maccoby (2000) sums this altogether with for companies whose narcissistic leaders recognize their limitations, these will be the best of times. For others, these could turn out to be the worst.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Oberoi groups

The Oberoi groups For an organization of your choice, outline a new product or process or other form of innovation. Definition of creativity and innovation: Creativity is the ability to think new idea. (This includes the ability to rethink an old idea, for example to think of a new application for an existing technology. Innovation is the process by which the new idea is put into practice. [ (center of competitiveness, 2001)] Introduction about OBEROI GROUPS: Oberoi groups are one of the Indias famous private organizations which step into the different markets in the year of 1934. It has a powerful market position for its products and services. Oberoi hotels are well known for its high quality service and luxury. A distinctive future of the Oberoi hotels is that they got their own highly motivated and well trained staff which provides a good standard quality of services which is really hard to find today. Apart from the hotel industry, Oberoi groups is engaged in the following business as well, Flight catering Airport restaurant Travel and tour services Car rentals Project managements corporate air charters. Oberoi groups has won many awards which as follows, It has been ranked as the best hotel chain (outside the U.S) in Conde Nast Travelers 2007 business Travel Awards readers survey. It has been ranked as the best hotel chain (outside the U.K) in the Guardian, Observer and Travel Awards 2008 readers survey. Rated as the second best resorts in India. And lots of other awards. [ (Oberoi hotels and resorts, 2009)] Mission: Our Guests: we are committed to meeting and exceeding the expectations of our guests through our unremitting dedication to every aspect of service. Our People: We are committed to the growth, development and welfare of our people upon whom we rely to make this happen. Our Distinctiveness: Together, we shall continue the Oberoi tradition of pioneering in the hospitality industry, striving for unsurpassed excellence in high-potential locations all the way from the Middle East to Asia-Pacific. Our Shareholders: As a result, we will create extraordinary value for our stakeholders. Vision: We see an organization which aims at leadership in the hospitality industry by understanding its guests, and designing and delivering products and services which enable it to exceed their expectations. We will always demonstrate care for our customers through anticipation of their needs, attention to detail, distinctive excellence, warmth and concern. [ (The Oberoi hotels and resorts, 2009)] A Tragic year: The Oberoi hotel in Mumbai is situated in the heart of the city and a few minutes away from lots of tourist attractions and the hotel has a beautiful view of blue sea and sky which attracts most of the tourist. And the facilities and services are always in a good slandered. Oberoi hotel is a good competitor for Taj hotel in India. But the Tragedy on 27 November 2008 was a major break down for Oberoi hotel in Mumbai. The attacks by terrorist in Oberoi trident in India shock the world by killing more than 100 peoples inside the hotel which include foreign tourists. The attack didnt only spare the life of the innocent people; it destroyed the beauty of the hotel as well. The gun shots, bombs and fire destroyed everything they touched. Terrorist turned the beautiful hotel as the graveyard for the innocent people who died in the attack. After the army killed those gunmen, the hotel reception was almost demolished. Oberoi hotel (Mumbai) was shut down for a while. Oberoi hotel even lost some of its share holders in the market. Innovation process by the organization: But all those bad things didnt stop Oberoi hotel to shut down completely. It was flashing in the news and everywhere that the Oberoi hotel was re opened a year and a half after the terror strike with the complete new look. It was published in the press that, After extensive restoration and renovation costing over 40 million dollars, the Oberoi opened its doors to guests Saturday, announcing its return with front-page newspaper advertisements that simply said: WELCOME BACK. (AGENCY, 2010) The Oberoi hotel in Mumbai is back into business now. The transformation of the hotel is completely different and is has brand new look. But what about their customers? Did they able to get back their customers? Actually they have a surprising innovation process in the organization which was highlighting in the news and press which is as follows, April 22 (Bloomberg) Indias luxury Oberoi hotel groups will open their flagship Mumbai properties in the next quarter with $6,750-a-night suites and butler services to win back tourists a year and a half after deadly terrorist attacks. The Mumbai Oberoi will reopen on April 24, charging as much as 300,000 rupees ($6,750) a night for 2,050 square foot rooms, which will include quarters for guests security officers. (SF Gate, 2010) Their innovation is that by reducing the rates and price levels, there might be a chance of getting their customers back into the business. This will also lead to attract the new customers into the hotel. This is a simple trick which is used by any kind of business in the market which is also an effective one. Usually in the market in order to sell a new product or increase the sales of the existing product, organizations normally reduce the price level. Most of the consumers fell for the cheap price. But later on the organizations will slowly increase the price level where the customers blindly buy the same product even though when the price increases. This is the same technique which the Mumbai Oberoi hotel is using now as their innovation. But this kind of innovation is normally used everywhere in this world. Although it seems to be a reasonable one. People who couldnt afford the price level before terror strikes might be interested as the price level is decreased. Their innovation in the market: As there is a recession in the todays market which is pushing the weakest industries and the organizations out of the market, lots of organizations have been kicked out of the market. This is going to be the hard time for Oberoi hotel to win back their customers. Due to the recession, lots of hospitality industries reduced their price level to attract the tourists. It is surprising that another famous hotel in Mumbai called Taj Mahal Palace was also being attacked by the terrorist on the same day as Oberoi was attacked and reopened recently. They also have reduced the price level which is more or less same level as Oberois. This is going to be a big problem for Oberoi groups. The first thought comes in the mind of people about the new Oberoi is that as they have invested lots of money in rebuilding the hotel; they are going to charge more prices for their services. But in this case, they have reduced the price level and given an additional feature like a free butler service. So this might be an advantage for the organization. The second thought is that the security level. People always criticize the poor security of the hotel. But the chairman of Oberoi hotel groups [P.R.S OBEROI], announced the press about their tight and improved security level of the new Oberoi. He stated to the press that, A big part of the focus has been to improve security. The hotel now has 150 security cameras, up from just 15 at the time of the attacks. It has 50 security personnel, five times the number it had in 2008. Visitors who drive up are greeted by a big steel gate where their cars are searched. The large windows in the lobby that overlook south Mumbais picturesque, crescent-shaped bay are now made from reinforced, shatterproof glass. (NDTV, 2010) Finally more or less they have answered almost every question about the hotel. This may lead the people to think positive about the hotel which is equal to win back their customers. Disadvantages and advantage of their Innovation: Even though their innovation seems to be a good one, there are some other few disadvantages exists which are as follows, It doesnt fit with the current market situation. Because of the recession, all other hotels have already reduced their price level which makes no difference. Maximum numbers of people will still go for the cheap price. Their innovation is very simple one which might not suite the current market situation. A huge amount of money has been invested in re-building the hotel, to win back the amount invested and their customers, there should be a powerful innovation must be implemented. This is also the time where Oberois competitors will try to overtake and try to conquer the market. But on the bright side, the one major advantage is that the Oberois major competitor called Taj is also facing the same problem. This might be a good chance for Oberoi as it will take time for their competitor to capture the market. In the mean time Oberoi can resolve the problems and get back their market position. And the other small advantage is that of the new look of the hotel. The old customers may come back to visit the brand new hotel. This will not only attract the old customers, it might bring the new customers as well which is the first step for the success after the tragedy. How to implement this innovation in the right way: The following are the major steps to implement the innovation in order to succeed any kind of business, First of all, decision making on implementing an innovation should be done by the top level management and should be very careful while implementing it. An innovation will survive in the market, only when the organization understands the market and balance it with the position of the organization in the market. And the innovation should be a powerful one where it should be a new one in the market and an attractive one as well, so that it will get the attention of others i.e. new customers. But the innovation by the Oberoi hotels is like a market tactics where it is used by others in the market. It is not a new one as the innovation is bringing something new where no one has seen it in this world. So reducing the price is not just an innovation but they have given an additional facility like a free butler service for this reasonable price which is a new process for their group. It will attract the new customers as they already know that this is going to be the temporary offer by the Oberoi group. The innovation should be a flexible one, so that any changes will not affect the any process in the organization. Because the market never remains constant. It will keep on changing according to the time and the factors which influence the change. It should also be flexible with the customers as each and every customer is different from each other. In this point of view, their innovation is quite an advantageous level. They have changed according to the time. Because of their tragedy and the recession in the market, they have done the right thing of reducing the price level and an additional free service. This will always works in the market as we have discussed above. Even though they have implemented an innovation, their process remains constant. May be the look of the hotel changed but the process remains constant. Their service to the customer didnt change or they didnt lose the entire market. Nothing changed except the look as it may brings the new customers into the business. If the innovation is more or less familiar in the market, then at least there should be an improvement in that which will make it as a different one when compared to others. The most important step is that the innovation should never affect the vision, mission and the objectives of the organization. Because the innovation is just to improve the business where the vision, mission and the objectives are the basics to survive in the competitive market. This is a good point where the Oberoi groups did achieve. They made a small difference in their innovation of offering a free butler service which makes a difference from others. It is clear that their innovation is not affecting the vision, mission and the objective of the organization. Their mission is to exceed the level of customer satisfaction. The innovation or the recession didnt affect their customer satisfaction. And the other important fact is that their innovation didnt affect the process in the Mumbai hotel or any other process of their different hotels or groups. In some cases it does happen. An impact on a single process of business will affect the entire business and even result in vanishing the organization from the market. A fine example for this scenario is that the Switzerland was dominating the watch making business in the years of 1968. They had a huge profit and powerful market implementations. They were well known as good inventors. But later in 1980, the market collapsed and lots of watch making employees lost their job. The Switzerland lost their market because of their new competitor called Seiko which grabbed the opportunity of making electronic quartz which was rejected by Switzerland. It is clear that the Switzerland was continuously making watch without changing the fundamental rules and didnt bother about their external environment. (STUDY UP, 2009). And the market never remain stable, it changes all the time as per the time and the need of the customers. Especially in the hotel industry, the market never remains constant. So if an organization fails to take a look over the external fit or fails to look after the defects which affects the organizations process, then there is a plenty of change for their competitors to take over their business and leads the market which will end up in winding up the business. When comparing to that example, it is clear that the changes in the Mumbai Oberoi hotel didnt chance any process in the hotel as well as the other hotels of its own group. Even though they have invested a lot of funds in re building the hotel, they didnt suffer that much. It is in the press that they are planning to open new hotels in India and abroad in a very few years. The Oberoi Group is planning to launch a luxury hotel in Goa. Goa is going to witness development of 12 new hotels over a period of 3-5 years, according to a survey by Federation Of Hotel and Restaurant Associations Of India and HVS International. The Oberoi could be one of these 12 new hotels. (ITOPC). It shows that how powerful their financial background is even in their tragic time period and their excellent survival in the market. And one of their major competitors in India is Taj hotel groups which were also attacked by the terrorist at the same time when the Oberoi was. This is a big advantage for Oberoi groups as their competitor is also facing the same problem. It is interesting that the innovation by the Oberoi hotel is more or less familiar with the Taj hotel groups where they have also reduced the price level after they have reopened their hotel in Mumbai. Taj hotel has reduced their price level to 3, 50,000 rupees per night where Oberois price level is 3, 00,000 rupees per night. The price level of Oberoi is little less when compared to the Taj hotel groups which is an advantage for Oberoi groups. In addition the Oberoi hotel now offers a free butler service for that reasonable price which s also an advantage and will be an effective one in the market. There is a scope that it will grasp the attention of the customers in the market and brings them into the business. In this way they have made a differe nce which is an advantage for Oberoi groups as we have discussed above that the majority for people always falls for the cheap market price. But only reducing the price level is not enough to survive in the competitive market. In order to face the market in a recession time, there should be a change in the general process in the organization, more importantly not the main process of the organization. For example as the Oberoi groups comes under the hospitality industry, it has a major opportunity to survive even in the recession time. There is always a scope for tourism and hospitality industry no matter what is happening in the market. Even though there is a recession in the market, Oberoi hotel groups are in the bright side where the hospitality industries are less affected when comparing to other industries. Understanding the problem of Mumbai Oberoi groups, what they could do now is to make a difference in their customer satisfaction level. The hotel is already known for its customer satisfactory level. Even though a small good change in a good process will be more effective than a normal one. By improving their customer satisfaction, they might be able to win back their customers which are equal to achieve their goals and objectives. (Vision, mission). It is very important that Oberoi hotel groups should not keep this low price tactics for a very long time. They should get back to their normal price as soon as they win back their customers or the market come back to the normal state. As they have invested lots of money on the Mumbai hotel, they should also look over the future and make some long term plans as well. They should not only concentrate on winning back their customers, they should also look for winning back their money which is invested in re-building the hotel and capture the market. Only bringing something new to this world is not easy as it seems. It should also reach the customers knowledge without which even a powerful innovation is nothing but a waste idea. In todays world there are plenty of ways where anything could be passes to the public knowledge. There are lots of media for everything. In this case, the Oberoi hotel groups used lots of media to pass their innovation in the knowledge of the people. This could also be a threatening factor as this may lead to the duplication of ideas by the other organizations in the market. But in this case, most of the percentage falls on the positive side which is a good favor for the Oberoi hotel groups. Conclusion: The Oberoi hotel group seems to be a struggling fish in the hooks of the terrorism and the bad market. But it is not yet pulled out of the water (market). It is pulling itself to survive. The hotel was being attacked by the terrorist and completely destroyed, at the time they were ready to get back into the business, the market was far worse than they expected. But they didnt slip out of the market. With their powerful financial background, they are back into business and stepping into their normal level which shows that they could do better in the near future. Their innovation was a simple one it seems to be an effective one in the market. It didnt affect any of its process and the innovation didnt cause any big changes in the organization. These are the very basic points for bringing the innovation in the market which are all achieved by the Oberoi hotel groups. And their major competitor is also facing the same problem which is also a positive climate for the Oberoi hotel groups in the market. May be their hotel was completely destroyed by those terrorist but they are back into business with a promising high tight security which helps the public to have a confident to walk into the hotel again without any of those death fear. Though there are some threats in the market, it is just a stepping stone for the Oberoi hotel groups for their bright future. On an overall basis, we have covered everything about the basic idea of the Oberoi hotel groups and their marketing position. We have also discussed about their innovation process and how they have implemented their innovation in the market and how successful it worked and also given a suggestion of how it could be more effective. It is important to note that there is always a bright fortune for the hospitality industry in this world as the human expectations are always a head then their imagination. So there is a bright scope for the Oberoi hotel groups which is very near and crystal clear. Bibliography: (2010). Retrieved APRIL 1, 2010, from NDTV: AGENCY, T. N. (2010, APRIL 24). TREND NEWS AGENCY. Retrieved MAY 1, 2010, from center of competitiveness. (2001). Retrieved 4 13, 2010, from ITOPC. (n.d.). Retrieved 4 28, 2010, from ITOPC: Oberoi hotels and resorts. (2009). Retrieved 4 25, 2010, from SF Gate. (2010, APRIL 21). Retrieved MAY 1, 2010, from STUDY UP. (2009). Retrieved 4 11, 2010, from STUDY UP: The Oberoi hotels and resorts. (2009). Retrieved 4 25, 2010, from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

I Am Determined to Become the Best Educator I Can Be :: Personal Narrative Writing

I Am Determined to Become the Best Educator I Can Be School had a large impact on my life. Until I was eighteen, I did not experience education in the traditional sense. My homeroom was my bedroom; I had economics in the kitchen and science class was often held outside. I studied the usual subjects: math, reading, science, history, and English. I also studied some non-traditional subjects: Bible, canning, sewing, and cooking. My mother taught me to love reading. My father taught me how to find answers to my questions, and my siblings taught me how to explain concepts in a way they could understand. Being taught at home offered me experiences that I would not have received if I had attended a traditional school. Unlike children who attended traditional schools, I was around my mother, siblings, and other adults all the time. While I did have friends my own age, I interacted mostly with adults. Because my school schedule was flexible, often I found myself helping an elderly person with yard work or cleaning. My father's boss asked my brother and I to help sort cattle or watch gates when the pens were being cleaned during the morning and afternoon. My mother taught me until I reached junior high and then my father took over. He assigned the subjects my brother and I would study for the year, bought our textbooks, and helped review for and grade our tests. But we were responsible to make our lesson plans and finish our textbooks within the school year. At the beginning of a school year, I would find out how many sections or chapters a textbook had. Then I would figure out how many sections or chapters I would have to complete each week to finish the book. At the beginning of every week, I wrote in a day-planner what sections I was to cover on what day. At a traditional school a teacher would do this for his or her students. Making my lesson plans while still in high school has prepared me for making lesson plans for my students when I become an elementary teacher. The area I lived in, Greeley, Colorado, has a strong agricultural base. My house was only ten or fifteen minutes from downtown Greeley; however, my father worked at a dairy farm and we had many friends in the agricultural world. Because our school schedule was flexible, my brother was able to work for a sheep rancher and learn mechanical and animal husbandry skills.

Newscasters :: essays research papers

Newscasters are a big part of who and what America is today. The newscasters have a lot of influence on what America does, and when they do it. Still, it is not something that happens overnight. It takes a lot of experience to become a newscaster to the public.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A newscaster will influence the public that will make or break a morning, afternoon, or evening. The weatherman will help people be prepared for the day ahead. While, the sportscaster tells which team won or lost and who got signed and let go. On-the-scene newscasters tell what is happening right then and there. Still, the anchors bring it all together by presenting the news at5am, 6am, 7am, noon, and 5pm. When they all come together America knows what is going on, which is what you want.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to inform America, a newscaster must have college experience as well as on-the-job experience. When an aspiring newscaster comes out of college, they don't become a newscaster immediately. Many become journalists or studies. Some may realize that they want something else and change jobs. Becoming a newscaster and informing the public, is something that takes experience and know-how. Anything can happen, and newscasters need to be prepared.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The pressure on newscasters is very intense. They need to report the truth and many want to change the view of newscasters. The media in general have the stereotype of being pushy, annoying, and untruthful. Reporting the truth is key. The journalists who research the information are under a tremendous amount of pressure to make sure the information is correct. This way, both America is happy, and then so are the newscasters.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Eating Disorders Essay -- essays research papers

Millions of American women struggle with eating disorders. An eating disorder is a disturbance in eating behavior. Most people associate eating disorders with anorexia nervosa, "active self-starvation or sustained loss of appetite that has psychological origins" (Coon 133), or bulimia nervosa, "excessive eating (gorging) usually followed by self-induced vomiting and/ or taking laxatives (Coon 411). They need to purge their bodies of calories in any way possible, so they may also use diuretics or even exercise compulsively. Their body images are severely distorted. They're the most talked about and the best studied eating disorders, and researchers estimate that nearly seven million women in the United States suffer from either anorexia or bulimia. But there's a newly recognized condition known as binge-eating disorder that is now considered the most common eating disorder. In the U.S. population, it has a frequency of about one to four out of every one hundred people. Although eating disorders afflict women much more often than they do men, it is estimated that about one million American men suffer from either anorexia or bulimia, and millions more have binge-eating disorder. Eating disorders are much more prevalent in industrialized countries. According to the American Psychiatric Association, eating disorders are most common in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and South Africa. Americans today live in a fat-phobic society where, from a very early age, girls are raised to think that thin is better. The famous writer and theater critic Dorothy Parker once said, "no woman can be too rich or too thin," words that quickly became a catchphrase still used today. Many of us grow up learning to associate fat with ugliness and failure. Advertisements bombard us with thinner-than-normal models. Most Miss America contestants and fashion supermodels are more than fifteen percent below the expected weight for their height and age, a criterion for anorexia according to the American Psychiatric Association (Breen). It is not surprising to hear reports of healthy, children of normal weight who are concerned about their diet and afraid of becoming too fat, and of an increasing number of girls who haven't yet reached puberty who are showing signs of... ...ill take care of it for them. Their mindset needs to be changed, so by taking these burdens off of their shoulders, they will have less to worry about and more time to concentrate on getting well. This whole process is very difficult and very time consuming but well worth it in the end. These victims are probably the most caring and selfless of anyone, and they need to realize this point. So in helping them do so, you need to show them how many people are there for them and how many people care them and want them to get better. Basically, the good feelings are going to try to overpower the negative mind, making it mute. In conclusion, eating disorders are treatable through proper care and therapy. It is not something to take lightly and needs to be treated as soon as possible. Though these disorders can be treated they will never be completely cured; they are more â€Å"under control† than anything. So just because a person may start to eat more does not mean that everything is over and should be forgotten. Right from the very beginning when it is first noticed that there is a problem, professional help should be sought out.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Wittgenstein and Modern Philosophy: A Review

JUSTUS HARTNACK, Wittgenstein and Modern Philosophy (trans: Maurice Cranston, New York: Anchor Books, 1965) pp. (x+142). Paper. The book Wittgenstein and Modern Philosophy, written by Professor Justus Hartnack, was first published in Danish. Later this book was translated to English by Maurice Cranston who was the author of Freedom, What are Human Rights? , Jean-Paul Sartre and the standard biography of John Locke. Hartnack is also famous for his book Philosophical Problems. The book Wittgenstein and Modern Philosophy deals with the philosophy of the most famous contemporary philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein.This book covers over one hundred and forty two pages. It begins with a preface by the author. This book, having five chapters, is the interpretation of Wittgenstein’s philosophical works. The first chapter, under the title ‘Biographical Introduction’, dealt with the life history of Ludwig Wittgenstein—the most renowned figure of the time. He was a great philosopher who dedicated himself to the growth of philosophy. â€Å"†¦philosophy was his life† (p. 3). Though he made lectures on British universities, he was not at all English, but an Austrian Jew, living and working in England.He was born in Vienna in 1889, the son of a rich engineer. Initially he had a taste to engineering; but later, it transformed to mathematics and he became a disciple of Bertrand Russell in Cambridge University. At the outbreak of the First World War, he contributed a few years in the Austrian army. His first and the most famous book, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus was published in 1922. Indeed the language of the book is elusive, â€Å"it has had an enormous influence among philosophers† (p. 6). Its influence was particularly marked in the logical positivism that became so fashionable in the years between the wars.But the later teachings of Wittgenstein were contrasting to the former teachings. His The Philosophical Investigations (1953) , which published only after his death marked a new beginning in the world of philosophy. Besides the above books, he was also the author of the book, The Blue and Brown Books (1958). His writings paved a place for Wittgenstein in the history of philosophy. The second chapter named ‘The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus’ gives out a brief summary of Wittgenstein’s eighty pages book—Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.The author begins with the traditional notion of language—â€Å"consists of words and each word possesses meaning insofar as it stands for something† (p. 13). It is the search for the problem of philosophical assertions that brings out the serious errors in using the language. So, Russell in his Principia Mathematica comes up with the need of constructing a new language preserving the logical form. It was the beginning of symbolic logic. But Wittgenstein was not satisfied with this new language because â€Å"he did not think there was a ny need to construct a new language because he held that there is only one language† (p. 6). His book Tractatus shares this idea. The author expresses the content of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus in nine parts in this chapter. The world, thought and propositions nave the same logical form—world is represented by thought and it is expressed in words as propositions. So, according to Wittgenstein, â€Å"the world is the totality of facts, not of things† (p. 18). A thing is not itself a fact even the thing is bound up with the notion of a fact. The author uses the example: â€Å"It is a fact that my watch is lying on the table, but neither the watch nor the table is a fact† (p. 25).The thought and propositions serve as pictures of facts. This is known as ‘Picture Theory of Language’—language is a picture or model of facts. Pictures are models of reality and these are made up of elements that represent objects. The combination of objects in the picture represents the combination of objects in reality. So the function of the language is to represent the state of affairs in the world. But the proposition does not give a spatial representation of the fact; it is only a logical picture of the state of affairs. Then, Hartnack points out Wittgenstein’s concept of ‘mystical’.There are some facts â€Å"that would be nonsensical to discuss, describe or even to think, because language cannot logically be employed about it† (p. 40). He included all the ethical and spiritual values in the realm of mystical. It is something that is transcendental. The third chapter ‘The Tractatus and Logical Positivism’ says about the influence of Tractatus over logical positivism. The author divided this chapter into four parts. The first part comments on logical positivist’s conception of philosophy. For them, â€Å"the task of philosophy †¦is simply to clarify the meaning of such [philosoph ical] problems and propositions† (p. 6). It has nothing to do in providing information about reality. A better understanding of the meaning of propositions can be ascertained through ‘verification principle’—one understands the meaning of a proposition only of one knows how it could be verified. For example, the statement ‘It is raining’ can be verified. But there are some other propositions that can’t be verified and it is called as ‘pseudo propositions’ similar to Wittgenstein’s ‘mystical’. In the following parts of the third chapter, the author discusses how the logical positivism differs from the ideas of Wittgenstein.It is believed by the positivist that Wittgenstein was the first one who had proposed the verification principle. Wittgenstein accepted the mystical propositions as genuine along with the empirical propositions. But positivists denied the assumption that mystical propositions are genuine for they cannot accept anything other than that is empirical. â€Å"†¦what cannot be said, and therefore cannot be thought, is not an expression of the limits of language. The reason for being silent is that there is nothing to speak about† (p. 55). The fourth chapter holds the same title, ‘The Philosophical Investigations’, of his second known book.This chapter speaks on the summary of Wittgenstein’s Investigations. This book is not a continuation of his own ‘Tractatus’; rather it is the repudiation of his views in ‘Tractatus’. The author explains its importance as: What gives the importance is that it contains the mature philosophy of Wittgenstein. It introduces a new chapter in the history of philosophy. It is not just a continuation or development of the thought of others. It is something wholly original (p. 62-63). The Investigations had a reference to St. Augustine’s Confessions. â€Å"St.Augustine fancied, acc ording to Wittgenstein, that he had discovered what was essential to all languages, namely that all words should have a meaning and that the meaning of each was what it stood for† (p. 65). Augustine conceived of it as a ‘naming-game’, that is, as a language mastered by learning the names of different things. But Wittgenstein couldn’t approve this ‘naming-game’ and with a slight difference he introduced ‘language-game’ which had its foundation on the sense that the meaning of a word is its use in the language. He thought that in language we are playing with words.As we can’t find any resemblance in different games though they possess some similarities and relationships, we can’t find resemblance in our multiple ways of language use. Hartnack discusses: Language, no longer a picture of reality, is now seen as a tool†¦with variety of uses. Different words are like different tools in the toolbox. And just as there is no one use which is the essential use of all tools, there is no one essential use for words and sentences. (p. 75) Different language-games show a family resemblance as like the members of a family share many similar features, such as eye colour, hair, facial structure, etc,.However, there will be no one particular feature that they all share in common. So the different language-games are related to one another in many different ways. In Investigations, Wittgenstein made a gradual transition on the aim of philosophy. With a new view, philosophy aims at complete clarity. â€Å"[And] this complete clarity does not lead to the solution of problem, but to its disappearance† (p. 82). Why is to say that the problem disappear? It is because the origin of the philosophical perplexity is an error, or rather a misunderstanding—a misunderstanding of the logical grammar of the sentences concerned.When it has been healed, the source of the problem has not been ‘solvedâ€℠¢, it has vanished. The role of philosophy is to show the path of liberation to the fly trapped in the fly bottle. In the last chapter ‘Contemporary Philosophical Investigations’, Hartnack says something about the philosophers who were very much influenced by Wittgenstein. He also tried to give a brief note on the papers and books published by those philosophers. Gilbert Ryle’s The Concept of Mind is the first book to be dealt with.It was published in 1949, four years before the Investigations, and it is not Wittgenstein in style, although there is no conflict on essential points; â€Å"but it is typically Wittgensteinian in that it treats philosophical problems as the consequence of the misunderstanding of the logic of concepts† (p. 119). Besides giving a short description, the author has not tried to go deep into the text. Following Ryle’s The Concept of Mind, Hartnack makes a brief study on Peter Strawson’s paper ‘On Referringâ€℠¢, where Strawson is attacking what he believes to be a mistaken conception of meaning. Strawson’s paper is Wittgensteinian in the sense that it argues that the meaning of a sentence is not what it refers to, but the rules for its correct use† (p. 121). He rejected Russell’s claim that every sentence must be true or false or meaningless. For Strawson, â€Å"a sentence is meaningful if there are rules for its use as an assertion† (p. 126). In the following two parts of the last chapter, author summarises ‘The Ascription of Responsibility and Rights’, the defense paper of Professor H. L. A. Hart and ‘On Grading’, the paper presented by the Oxford philosopher J.O. Urmson. The former is dealt with morality and jurisprudence. Here Hart made some similarities of the problems in philosophy and legal concepts. The latter studies the use of sentences that function as evaluations. Urmson works from the simple and homely example of grading a pples. An apple can be graded either as good or as bad, based on its empirical properties. But â€Å"the logical structure of the sentence ‘This is good’ is quite distinct from any question about the validity or relevance of any criterion that may be invoked in support of it† (p. 42). The validity of the statement is not proved in this kind of evaluations. The book Wittgenstein and Modern Philosophy is really an excellent interpretation of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophical works—Tractatus and Investigations. Hartnack had made a genuine effort to make this book marvelous. Though this book contributes nothing new to the world of philosophy, it shows a great honour to Wittgenstein. Hartnack was successful in giving appropriate footnotes in places where the reader needs clarifications.But it is sorry to say that this book lacks index and the last chapter of this book is so vague. The author would have to pay a little more attention to these drawbacks. Excluding these drawbacks, this book is an awesome work. This book will be very useful to the philosophy students especially those who are making study exclusively on Wittgenstein. Even the translator re-produced the book in a simple and eloquent language. This book review will be incomplete unless I mention that the author showed justice to the works of Wittgenstein and even to the readers.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Childhood Practices Identify Holistic Development Education Essay

Children develop cognitive accomplishments and linguistic communicating accomplishments from engagement in humanitarian disciplines activities human-centred disciplines in schoolhouseing undertakings, 1990. For illustration, development of mathematical spend a penny whitethorn be incorporated in medication and art where put ons learn about sequence, place, forms and forms ( Booth, 1982 as cited by Kolbe, 1991 ) . Children whitethorn affect to run into the sequence of events to tie in to the beats of the musical theater instruments when utilizing musical instruments to re-enact the big(a) of air new as in the narrative of terzetto small hogs. As for art in relation to devising of mari wizttes, kids whitethorn memorize about forms and places. Language development whitethorn be incorporated in match when kids express their ideas verbally, for illustration, when they are asked for words to absorb the characters in the narratives. humanist disciplines management contribut es to the affective development in that it servicings kids to develop emotions and virtuousnesss ( human-centered disciplines in school undertakings, 1990 Winston, 2010 ) . Through narratives and mutant, kids whitethorn develop pinch on good values. The narrative of the triple small hogs concludes with the three small hogs populating to puffher in the brick foretoken and the large bad wolf is killed. Children whitethorn make some intellect on the value of caring and sharing, diligence and in the likes of manner that the bad lead be punished. By acting games and puppetry with friends, kids learn to show their ideas and to socialize with others.Children communicate finished assorted shipway, such as verbal linguistic communication, organic fertiliser structure tinctures, gestures, drawings or sound, which whitethorn be regarded as symbolic representations ( Gardner, 1979 as cited in Wright, 1991 ) . As all signifiers of humane disciplines whitethorn be pertaind w ith symbolic representations, teaching through the humanistic disciplines whitethorn be one manner where kids learn to associate to severally other and besides to the existent universe. Children whitethorn utilize representations like drawings or objects to construct their life experiences so as to do backbone of it ( Kolbe, 1991 ) . For illustration, they whitethorn pull images of their planetary house members. This in bend help the kid to develop the childaaa?s apprehension of himself and relationship to his house create.It is in the human reputation to play and most activities associating to kids whitethorn be seen as drama to them ( Swanwick, 1988 ) . There is no restraints or barriers in drama so kids may be willing to look different functions and thoughts, and as a consequence, they may teach more efficaciously ( Pinciotti, 1993 ) . Humanistic disciplines Education may be equated to a signifier of drama as the activities may be child-initiated and kids hail enjoym ent and cheer from the procedure of playing ( Dau, 1991 ) . As in drama, kids learn through the procedures of imitation, imagination and overshadow in the humanistic disciplines ( Swanwick, 1988 ) . Harmonizing to Piaget, imitation is a signifier of adjustment. When kids ex be given on bing intelligence through imaginativeness, they may hold assimilated and chance upon command of new information ( Swanwick, 1988 ) . This may be in the display case of re-enacting the sound of air current with musical instruments. Children accept the instruments based on their past experiences and imaginativeness to re-enact the sound they cute. Humanistic disciplines provide chances for kids to investigate and polish their accomplishments through these three elements of drama.Furthermore, kids are open to show their ideas through play hence allowing it to be a symbolize of communicating ( Swanwick, 1988 Pinciotti, 1993 ) . When kids discuss the character of the wolf, they may be given ch ances to voice their sentiments on the action of the wolf and on that pointfore nurse place verbal linguistic communication development. They may besides show their ideas through organic structure motion and gestures during function drama. By working on the facial look and organic structure gestures, kids may larn other agencies of pass oning their ideas.Humanistic disciplines embolden kids to research and work out channel ( Swanwick, 1988 ) . Children may necessitate to research ways to do the marionettes and other theoretical accounts. They wipe out to work out on the unconditioned required and the pro percent of the marionettes when pulling them. In this manner, they may larn to associate to spatial and comparative context every numeral good as to larn of ways to do the marionettes such that they make sense to others ( Cooke, Griffin & A Cox, 1998 ) . Furthermore, it will barely childrenaaa?s experimental accomplishments and accept procedure ( Kolbe, 1991 )Children l earn to socialize, sympathize with and associate to others from different panoramas ( Parsons, 1991 Pinciotti, 1993 ) . In play, they may hold different readings on the functions and so in that respect may be different versions of the characters. As such, the kids may hold to come to an finding on the thoughts for specifying the characters. Along the manner, they may get communication and coaction accomplishments. In the instance of little universe drama, kids may tract thoughts about the stuffs, props and how to utilize them. In make so, they develop communicating and dialogue accomplishments. Puppetry may interrupt obliterate barriers and let kids to show their ideas through playing with flip marionettes. As a consequence, kids may deign new apprehension of the universe as their cognition addition through fundamental interaction and coaction ( Pinciotti, 1993 ) .Humanistic disciplines besides help to construct assurance and self-esteem and return chances for kids to be soci able ( Humanistic disciplines in school undertakings, 1990 Parsons, 1991 ) . In the instance of playing games, barriers are broken down and kids tend to be more relax and therefore supplying chances for societal development. For illustration, kids may necessitate to dis eat and make up ones consciousness on which musical instrument surmount represent the sound consequence they wanted to make. They may be able to derive assurance working in a squad as they oblige the chances to bristle or to take part in treatment.In add-on, humanistic disciplines may gain critical thought and diverseness. As kids portion their ideas on similarities and differences through treatment and action, it helps them to understand and accept differences in sentiments and cut down biass. Through questioning the wolf, where the instructor plays the function, kids may besides larn to analyze the issue from different positions. For illustration, the wolf may solvent that it is his sneezing that caus ed the house to be blown down. This reply may put the kids to study if the hogs are excessively headlong in their opinion of the wolf. These exercisings may help the kids to via media and listen to otheraaa?s thoughts or accounts when there is struggle.As most humanistic disciplines are open-ended undertakings, there may be many solutions to an issue. As such, it encourages believe and geographic expedition ( Pinciotti, 1993 ) . These back end be seen in the assorted ways to construct the houses, kids can experiment with assorted stuffs to do the walls of the houses, like straws, composition boards or pigment. They can besides do different types of houses, like pulling a image of a house or doing a theoretical account of the house. Children may be able to propose new thoughts therefore hiking their assurance.dramatisation provides an first-class platform for literacy and linguistic communication development. Children may develop their aural accomplishments plot listening to the narratives or watching frequent presentation. They may develop on their ad-lib accomplishments when moving or during brainstorming seance ( Arts in school undertakings, 1990 ) . romp is normally done in a group. As such, kids requisite to interact and associate to their equals to brainstorm on thoughts. By making so, kids learn to be sociable and houseclean up communicating and dialogue accomplishments ( Humanistic disciplines in school undertakings, 1990 ) . They may derive some penetration of the existent universe, where there are diverse civilizations and differences in thoughts. For illustration, during dramatization of a narrative like the three small hogs, the houses that the three hogs built may non be what the kids expected. In the instance of Singapore, volume of the kids live in flats. As such, the kids may be involved in an exchange of thoughts about lodging around the universe.By widening a narrative during dramatization, as in the instance of Jack and the beans talk, kids may be required to see from the position of the elephantine. Jack may be ill-judged to take the aureate harp from the jumbo without permission.Children learn self-denial as they may hold to stay by the regulations they have set for the play. Children may develop a sense of independency as they need to do determinations while working as a squad. They may be able to be confident, initiate treatment or take part in treatment confidently ( Pinciotti, 1993 ) .However, to optimize the childaaa?s acquisition, the function of the instructor would be of conditional relation to take the kids so as to hone their acquisition. Humanistic disciplines introduced to kids depend on the aptitude and involvement of the instructors ( Humanistic disciplines in school undertakings, 1990 ) . If the instructors are enthusiastic and have coercive cognition on the humanistic disciplines, she will be able to actuate the kids to take an involvement in the topic, therefore doing larning in huma nistic disciplines more interesting and enlightening. In add-on, most premature childhood scenes come out to be take humanistic disciplines instruction as a portion of the channel of study instead than to develop the course of study from the humanistic disciplines.Therefore although humanistic disciplines may be of import for the instruction on immature kids, its effectivity may be dependent on the beliefs of the early childhood scenes and instructors.